
Science Set Journal of Economics Research

Science Set Journal of Economics Research

About Journal

Science Set Journal of Economics Research is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal published by MK Science Set Publishers.
Economics focuses on the behaviors and interactions of economic agents and how economies work. economics is concerned with issues associated with efficiency, effectiveness, value and behaviors in production and consumption. It provides economists and academicians an exclusive forum for publishing their work on theoretical understanding of economics as well as empirical policy analysis of economic issues in the broader context. the journal accepts original research articles, review articles, case reports, mini-reviews, rapid communication, opinions, and editorials all Video articles and PowerPoint presentations (PPTS) are related to Economics.

Science Set Journal of Economics Research covers the following topics:
Information Technology, Innovation, Leadership, Oral Health and Development, Patient Safety, Payment Reform, Performance Measurement, Policy issues, Quality and Safety of Care, Quality Improvement, Quality issues, Quality Management, Risk Management, Spreading Improvement, Sustaining Improvement, Adult Education, Higher education, Business Education, Arts Education, Distance Education, Health Education, Medical sciences, Visual Arts, Political Education, Cultural Aspects of Development, Tourism Management, Public Administration, Rural Development, Agricultural Education, Environmental Studies, Science and Engineering, Information Technology, Urban Studies, Business and Marketing, Financial Development, Accounting, Banking, Human Resources, Primary Education, Accounting Study, Banking Studies, Education Policy and Leadership, Childhood Education, Etc….

Aim & Scope

Science Set Journal of Economics Research publishes top-quality, original research in applied international economics. Topics covered include trade, trade policy, macroeconomics, and finance. publishes rigorous papers, both theoretical and empirical, examining the economic outcomes of both public and private sector market forces on groups distinguished by racial, tribal, ethnic, gender, and linguistic differences. The journal focuses on microeconomic theory while also publishing papers on macroeconomic topics as well as econometric case studies of general interest. The Journal is interested in both theoretical and applied research with an emphasis on topics in corporate finance, financial markets and institutions, and investments. Research in real estate, insurance, and consumer finance is also welcome. We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, and special discounts. The journal provides a platform for high-quality and imaginative economic research, earning a worldwide reputation for excellence as a general journal publishing papers in all fields of economics for a broad international readership. It is invaluable to anyone with an active interest in economic issues and is a key source for professional economists in higher education, business, government and the financial sector who want to keep abreast of current thinking in economics.


The Science Set Journal of Economics Research aims to:

  1. Advance Knowledge:

    • Provide a prominent platform for the dissemination of high-quality research findings, theoretical advancements, and empirical studies in the field of economics.
    • Foster the exchange of innovative ideas, methodologies, and insights among economists, policymakers, researchers, and practitioners in economics and related disciplines.
  2. Promote Academic Excellence:

    • Facilitate the development and application of rigorous economic analysis and quantitative methods.
    • Publish original research articles, reviews, and theoretical contributions that contribute to the advancement of economic theory, policy, and practice.
  3. Facilitate Policy Relevance:

    • Support research that informs and influences economic policy-making at local, national, and global levels.
    • Promote evidence-based policy recommendations and economic solutions to address societal challenges and promote sustainable development.
  4. Enhance Global Perspectives:

    • Promote research that addresses diverse economic issues and perspectives across different regions, countries, and economic systems.
    • Encourage interdisciplinary approaches and collaborations that integrate economics with other social sciences, business studies, and public policy.
  5. Cultivate Scholarly Growth:

    • Provide a platform for early-career researchers, economists, and scholars to showcase their work and contribute to the academic discourse in economics.
    • Offer insights into emerging trends, methodologies, and policy implications in economics and related fields.


The Science Set Journal of Economics Research covers a broad range of topics within economics, including but not limited to:

  1. Macroeconomics:

    • Economic growth and development theories.
    • Macroeconomic policy, fiscal policy, and monetary policy.
    • Globalization, international trade, and economic integration.
  2. Microeconomics:

    • Consumer behavior, demand analysis, and supply chain economics.
    • Industrial organization, market structure, and competition policy.
    • Game theory, decision-making under uncertainty, and behavioral economics.
  3. Applied Economics:

    • Empirical studies and econometric analysis.
    • Economic modeling and forecasting.
    • Economic impact assessments and policy evaluations.
  4. Financial Economics:

    • Financial markets and institutions.
    • Asset pricing, portfolio management, and risk management.
    • Banking, financial intermediation, and financial regulation.
  5. Public Economics:

    • Taxation policy and public finance.
    • Social welfare programs and income distribution.
    • Government spending, budget deficits, and fiscal sustainability.
  6. Environmental and Resource Economics:

    • Economics of natural resources and sustainable development.
    • Environmental policy, climate change economics, and ecosystem services valuation.
    • Energy economics and environmental impact assessments.
  7. Labor Economics:

    • Labor market dynamics, employment, and unemployment.
    • Human capital development and education economics.
    • Wage determination, income inequality, and labor market policies.
  8. Development Economics:

    • Economic growth in developing countries.
    • Poverty alleviation strategies and inclusive growth.
    • Microfinance, rural development, and sustainable livelihoods.

Author Guidelines

The title should be specific and suitable to the topic of the article. Also should include word count, number of tables and figures, sources of support, source of funding, any disclaimers, and conflict of interest declarations.

Author Names and Affiliations
Author name Department, University/Organization, City, State, and Country for all authors. Complete information of the Corresponding author like Full name, address, phone number, Email address, Fax, Discipline of the author, and Affiliations is to be mentioned. The corresponding author is to be mentioned clearly.

List of Abbreviations
All abbreviations should be defined under the heading of abbreviations.

You are requested to provide a minimum of 4-6 keywords for the purpose of indexing. Choosing appropriate keywords provides you with a citation advantage since they play a major role when searching huge indexing databases.

The abstract is mandatory for original research, review article, short reviews, and case reports. It should also relate to significant outcomes and further scope to continue in the field. The abstract should be structured with the background, methods, results, and conclusion and limited to 500 words.

The introduction should provide the background and purpose of the study. This should be enough to draw the reader's attention to a broad array of scientific disciplines.

Tables& Figures
Figures and tables should be submitted as individual files. Authors are required to make sure that all figures and tables must have a legend and are cited in the text in consecutive order. Figures tend to summarize information visually, whereas tables allow space for more detail. Figures, tables, and legends should be placed close to the relevant content of the text.

Materials and Methods
The details of materials or members, evaluations, description of involvements, and types of investigations are to be included. Advanced trials should be stated evidently and specific variations of published techniques are to be cited briefly. It can be divided into subsections if several methods are described. Standard protocols should be credited with appropriate references.

This sector should be describing the results and interpretations of the above experiments. There could be multiple subheadings or descriptions in a single paragraph. The results section should describe the outcomes and findings of an article (research, case study, review, etc.). It should be clear, understandable, and concise (using figures & tables).

This section ought to illustrate the importance of results in relation to the reasons for doing the work. Compare and contrast the results with other relevant studies, state the limitations of the study, and explore the implications of the findings for future research and for clinical practice.

References are to be cited in the text by number and not by author and date. Only published or accepted manuscripts should be included in the reference list. Abstracts that have been submitted in meetings but not yet accepted should not be cited.

(Journal APC) The Article Processing Charge for this journal is $2619.

Editorial Board

Dinh Tran Ngoc Huy

Professor Banking University HCMC-GSIM International University of Japan 

Bashar Malkawi

Global Professor of Practice in Law at University of Arizona,USA

Przemysław Niewiadomski

University of Zielona Góra, Faculty of Economics and Management, Poland

Prof. Juan Llopis

Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Alicante, Spain


College of Business & Economics, Birzeit University, Palestine


Professor at Porto Accounting and Business School, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, University of Vigo, Spain


Assistant Professor in Marketing, IESEG School of Management, Fudan University, China 


Department of Business, Management, & Accounting University of Maryland Eastern Shore,USA

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